![]() The Health and advice links project has been running since 2004 and provides advice sessions at 4 of our surgeries within the East End Health Network. Trained advisors provide advice a wide range of issues ranging from welfare benefits, housing and debt. The advisors also actively refer patients onto self management of chronic condition courses, employment and training courses, ESOL and volunteering opportunties. Research has shown apart from clinical issues, there are other contributors to people’s ill health, such as housing, low income, debts, rent arrears, and immigration problems; these underlying problems are all significant in increasing people’s stress levels, causing anxiety and depression. These problems are too often brought to GP’s. The Project enables GP’s and their staff to refer these patients to the advisors who are based at the practices and are experienced in dealing with these issues. The project’s aims are to:
Current Work
AuthorThe team from EEHN CategoriesArchives |